Lavender White Chocolate Hot Cocoa

Lavender White Chocolate Hot Cocoa


  • 2 cups white chocolate melting discs, frozen
  • 1/4  c Blue Canyon Farm Culinary buds (link this to the 2 oz package)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups powdered coffee creamer
  • 2 ¼  cups powdered milk
  • 1 cup powdered sugar

1. Add ingredients to the Blendtec in the order listed above. Blend until powdered. 

Package 10 oz per kraft bag with these instructions: 

Spoon 3 rounded Tb into a mug, and add 6 oz boiling water. Stir to blend. 

This recipe will make four 10 oz. bags. I love to use a kraft coffee bag with a view window.  

10 servings per 10 oz. bag 


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